Tag fibre

Alleviate poverty – Podcast Transcript

● How a fibre infrastructure could address poverty and job creation. ● Root of poverty is in a lack of education. ● Fibre allows one to access skills and education. ● The ripple effect of access to fibre helps disadvantaged communities.

The Future of Fibre

The Future of Fibre By Bradley Bekker, Evotel GM Advancement in technology We live in the era of fibre but over the years, since the advent of the internet in the early 1990’s, there have been various advancements in technology…

Harvest doing more with free fibre

Harvest Combined School in Ladysmith, Kwazulu-Natal is an independent school founded and owned by the Harvest Educational Trust – a registered Non-Profit Organization – and one of the schools receiving free fibre internet access from Fibre Network Operator (FNO), Evotel, as part of the company's Schools Program.